Our Partner
In recognition of the importance of networks, partnerships and collaborations in strengthening Monitoring and Evaluation (M&E) systems, Kenya became one of the three new Twende Mbele collaborating partner country in 2018.
The monitoring and evaluation function in the public sector in Kenya is implemented through the National Integrated Monitoring and Evaluation System (NIMES). The NIMES was established in 2004 through a multi-stakeholder effort to provide a mechanism for tracking implementation of all government policies, programmes and projects. The NIMES is operated under the strategic direction of a National Steering Committee (NSC) that is chaired by the Principal Secretary, State Department for Planning in the National Treasury and Planning which includes stakeholders from the Government, Development Partners and Civil Society Organisations (CSOs). At the devolved level, NIMES is operationalized through County Integrated Monitoring and Evaluation system (CIMES).
NIMES Functions
Overall, NIMES provides the government with reliable policy implementation feedback to efficiently allocate and/or reallocate resources over time. Specifically, NIMES seeks: To build an M&E system at both national and devolved levels; To promote a culture and practice of M&E at all levels of government; To provide timely and reliable feedback to the budgetary preparation process through the preparation of reports (Ministerial Public Expenditure Reviews (MPER/ PER) and Annual Progress Reports-APR); To provide regular, timely and reliable reporting on effectiveness of government programmes and projects – to government itself, and to the wider stakeholder group and development partners; and to ensure active participation all stakeholders including: civil society, the academic community, private sector, development partners among others.
The National Treasury and Planning through the Monitoring, Evaluation, Learning and Public Investment Management Directorate (MELPIM), is charged with overall coordination of the implementation of National Integrated Monitoring and Evaluation System (NIMES) in the Country. The NIMES operates at the national level while CIMES operates at the devolved level. At the national level, the framework exists in all the ministries that form the National Government while at the devolved level, committees exist in all the 47 Counties in the country. The County committees have the flexibility of devolving to lower level structures that are closer to the communities. The framework is expected to provide a transparent platform by which government and development partners can undertake shared appraisal of results.
Twende Partners
The MELPIM is the key Twende Mbele partner in Kenya. The Monitoring, Evaluation and Public Investments Management Directorate (MELPIM). The directorate has two divisions:
- Monitoring Evaluation Division
- Public Investment Management Division
To institutionalize the culture and practice of Monitoring and Evaluation at all levels of government. The role of institution is coordination of Monitoring and Evaluation in Kenya. The directorate does this through:
- Formulation and review of the Monitoring and Evaluation Policy;
- Formulation and review of the PIM Policy and legislations;
- Management of the National Integrated Monitoring and Evaluation System;
- Coordination of an integrated end-to-end national planning and reporting system;
- Monitoring, evaluation and reporting on the implementation of long-term, medium-term, sector and annual development plans;
- Development and review of Monitoring and Evaluation guidelines, norms, standards and plans for the National and County Governments;
- Management of public investment projects and programmes in line with PFM (Public Investment Management Regulations 2022); and
- Coordination of knowledge management and capacity building on monitoring and evaluation and public investment management.
Twende Mbele is also in the process of establishing a partnership with the Parliamentary Budget Office in the Kenyan Parliament, and has worked extensively with Kenyan higher education institutions in the development of the Collaborative Curriculum for post-graduate M&E studies.

Kenya Reports and Publications
Partner in the Country
Monitoring & Evaluation Directorate: National Treasury and Planning, State Department for Planning
Contact Details
Postal Address: P O Box 47697-00100, Nairobi, Kenya
Phone No: +254202229159
Email address: [email protected] or [email protected]