Our Partner
The Beninese government had started institutionalization evaluation in 2007. Until now Benin places governance and accountability in the heart of action; the evaluation function was moved to the Presidency, under the Minister of State, General Secretary of the Presidency to better centralise and influence M&E in the country.
With the support of UNICEF, Benin has developed and adopted an evaluation guideline, which presents the standards for evaluation in Benin. This compliments the National Evaluation Policy (recently evaluated in 2019), and is supported by a database of government evaluations.
The government has initiated the draft of a law on the evaluation of public policies with a support from the parliament to enshrine evaluation.
Our Partner
Twende Mbele’s main operational partner is the Bureau of evaluation of public policy and analysis of government action (BEPPAAG) who are the custodians for the national evaluation system.
The role of the BEPPAAG has been extended to include the monitoring of public action by setting transversal performance indicators for each department and domain of public action.
Current priority areas for BEPPAAG include strengthening the gender responsiveness of the national evaluation system, innovating with rapid evaluation methodologies, improving collaboration with civil society actors, and implementing a new management performance tracking system for the public sector.

Benin Reports and Publications
Partner in the Country
General Secretary of the Presidency: Bureau of Public Policy evaluation and Government Action Analysis
Contact Details
Palais de la Marina, 01 BP 2028², Cotonou-Bénin
Email: Damase Sossou – [email protected]