Our Partner
Twende-Mbele works with the National Development Planning Commission (NDPC) in Ghana. The National Development Planning Commission was established in 1994 to coordinate, among other functions, the development of national M&E plans, their implementation and use of findings to inform government policies, programmes and projects. The Commission since 1996 prepares medium term development plans. The system is based on four yearly Medium Term Development Policy Frameworks (MTDPFs), and there have been national M&E Plans embedded in the MTDPFs. The NDPC has produced annual progress reports (APRs) since 2002 to review government performance and to report on the implementation of the MTDPFs. The Commission has drafted a long term national development plan which is currently under to inform the Ghana @ 100 document.
The Commission operates through a number of committees whose composition changes with the focus of a medium-term development plan (in the case of the Thematic Committees) or the needs of the Commission as determined by its current members (the Standing Committees). The Commission currently has a staff strength of 54, eight of which are staff of the M&E Division and 14 are staff of the Planning Coordination Division
The Commission, also in accordance with the 1992 Constitution performs such other functions relating to development planning as the President may direct.

Ghana Reports and Publications
Partner in the Country
National Development and Planning Commission
No 13 Switchback Road, Cantonments Accra, Ghana
Email: Nana Opare-Djan – [email protected]