Foundations of State-CSO Collaboration and National Regulatory Framework in Benin
The advent of democracy in Benin in 1990 laid the foundations for participatory governance that involves civil society at the level of the constitution. The State of Benin recognises CSOs as non-state actors playing a critical role for development. It also recognizes its duty...
Atelier Sur l’Évaluation Rapide 4-7 Octobre 2021
Atelier Sur l’Évaluation Rapide 4-7 Octobre 2021l’atelier sur l’évaluation rapide a l’ hôtel toubal de Dosso organisé par le Haut Commissariat à la Modernisation de l’Etat. L’atelier se déroule du 4 au 7 octobre.
The Growing Practice of Rapid Evaluations in Africa – Insights from Three Countries
By Parfait Kasongo
Communication & Learning Coordinator
In a 2017-19 research study by Twende Mbele to assess the state of M&E culture in five participating countries which included, Benin,...
Second annual gLocal Evaluation Week – 2020
With the ten-year countdown to the Sustainable Development Goals underway, Systems to evaluate the impact of policies and monitor their progress are more important than ever. To sustain the momentum of global efforts to promote monitoring and evaluation capacity the...
Communique from Benin Evaluation Days/Journées béninoises de l’évaluation
This week saw over 300 participants from Africa, the Americas and India converge on Cotonou, Benin to participate in the 5th edition of the Benin Evaluation Week. Participants included evaluation practitioners, researchers, specialists and professionals from the evaluation of...