Twende Mbele Capacity Building Workshop – Johannesburg, 2024
Twende Mbele Capacity Building Workshop – Johannesburg, July 2024
The purpose of the 3-day capacity building workshop was to build and augment existing M&E capacities among public officials of the Twende Mbele member governments: Benin, Ghana, Kenya, Niger, South Africa and Niger. In particular, this capacity building workshop continued highlighting the importance of building a cadre of M&E professionals, planners and budget officials who have an appreciation of the value of M&E information in informing public sector planning, policymaking budgeting and implementation cycles and processes. The capacity building workshop continued Twende Mbele’s mission of bridging the gap between M&E and critical governance processes of planning, policymaking, budgeting and implementation. The workshop was co-facilitated in English and French, and was interactive, so as to bridge the gap between M&E theory and discourse, and its applicability in public administration and political systems.

The capacity building workshop sought to:
• Build and augment existing M&E capacities among public officials of the Twende Mbele member governments;
• Highlight the importance of building a cadre of M&E professionals, planners and budget officials who have an appreciation of the value of M&E information in informing public sector planning, policymaking budgeting and implementation cycles and processes;
• Bridge the gap between M&E and critical governance processes of planning, policymaking, budgeting and implementation;
• Facilitate exchanges among public officials across the Twende Mbele network, enabling the sharing of perspectives, knowledge and experience in bridging the gap between M&E theory and discourse, and its applicability in public administration and political systems;
• Strengthen relations and learning networks of public officials from Benin, Ghana, Kenya, Niger, South Africa and Uganda, and the Tier 2 wider learning network of Twende Mbele (Twende Mbele+)

Atelier de renforcement des capacités au Niger
Atelier de renforcement des capacités au Niger -Dosso, Juillet 2024
Le Niger, comme de nombreux pays et organisations, accorde une grande importance au développement de la pratique de l’évaluation des actions de développement et des politiques publiques. C’est dans cette optique que les autorités nigériennes ont adopté une Politique Nationale d’Évaluation (PNE) ayant pour objectif global de promouvoir une bonne gouvernance et, plus spécifiquement, de développer la culture de l’évaluation au Niger. La mise en œuvre de cette politique nécessite des compétences solides dans ce domaine, qui sont actuellement insuffisantes dans le pays. Il est donc essentiel de renforcer les capacités nationales en matière d’évaluation afin de permettre une pratique évaluative plus efficace.
L’objectif spécifique est de renforcer les capacités des participants en évaluation des politiques publiques pour développer leurs capacités techniques et leurs compétences institutionnelles à mener des évaluations.

Call for Proposal – Consultant Needed for Review of NEPF
Consultant Needed
To conduct a review to understand whether the 2019 National Evaluation Policy Framework (NEPF) is relevant, effective and promotes credible as well as quality evaluations aligned to government goal of assessing performance of programmes, plans and projects. This review study will inform the updating and strengthening the NEPF to better meet the evolving needs, innovations and challenges in evaluation practices.
Monitoring Systems in Africa Book Launch
Monitoring Systems in Africa Book Launch
Join us for a virtual launch of the ‘Monitoring Systems in Africa’ book, edited by Caitlin Blaser Mapitsa and Catherine Churchill.
This volume of the book presents a holistic approach to monitoring systems. This includes a range of purposes that monitoring practices serve, followed by a selection of the components of a monitoring system, and then presents case studies of monitoring systems. The aim of the book is to explore monitoring as a practice on its own, related but not constricted to its framing in performance management or evaluation.
📌Virtual Link:
🗓️ 18 April 2024
⏰ 17h30 SAST / 18h30 EAT / 15h30 GMT / 16h30 GMT+1
Ghana Peer-2-Peer Study Tour To South Africa 2024
Ghana Peer-2-Peer Study Tour To South Africa
On the 19-23 February Twende Mbele convened the Ghana Peer-2-Peer Study Tour To South Africa which took delegates from Ghana to 5 different cities – Johannesburg, Pretoria, Pietermaritzburg, Durban and Cape Town.
The study tour included delegates from Monitoring and Evaluation Secretariat, Office of the President (Ghana), National Development Planning Commission, Ghana; Department of Planning, Monitoring and Evaluation (National Government, South Africa); Gauteng Office of the Premier (Gauteng Provincial Government; KwaZulu Natal Office of the Premier (KwaZulu Natal Provincial Government); eThekwini Metropolitan Municipality (local government, South Africa); and Western Cape Department of the Premier (Western Cape Provincial Government).
The main objective of the study tour was for MES to Foster partnerships with Peer M&E institutions in South Africa and undertake peer-to-peer learning on the M&E systems of the selected institutions. The study tour is expected to provide opportunities and platforms for knowledge sharing and idea sourcing between MES and the collaborating institutions aimed at bridging the results-based management gap. Specifically, MES seeks to use the opportunities afforded by the study tour to:
- Share knowledge and practical experiences in relation to building and implementing national public sector monitoring and evaluation systems, focusing specifically on building M&E culture in governance and the public sector institutions; current management performance assessment tools; Citizen-Based Monitoring; and M&E Capacity Building Programs.
- Share knowledge, practical experiences, and lessons in using M&E for accountability and transparency in the public space.
- Foster a network of M&E practitioners in South Africa and Ghanaian institutions to collaborate on a technical exchange Programme to enhance the sustainability of the peer learning exchange initiative.
- Use the knowledge and technical lessons learnt to develop programs aimed at producing a wider positive impact on M&E practice in the public service.