Call For Proposal: Review Of Three Evaluation Courses
Call For Proposal For The Review Of Three Evaluation Courses1.Managing and Commissioning Evaluations2. Deepening Evaluations3. Selecting Appropriate Evaluation Methodologies
Application Deadline: 20 August...
Call for Proposals: Development of a DPME Guideline on Ethical Conduct of Evaluation
Call for Proposals A consultant needed to work with DPME to develop a set of Guidelines for the Conduct of Evaluations in the public sector and be relevant and appropriate to all spheres of government. These should be developed based on international best practice, taking...
Rapid Evaluation Validation Workshop
Rapid Evaluation Validation WorkshopFrom July 28 to 29, the Department of Planning, Monitoring and Evaluation (DPME) in South Africa will be having a Rapid Evaluation Validation Workshop to get feedback and advice from practitioners in the field, from their various...
The Growing Practice of Rapid Evaluations in Africa – Insights from Three Countries
By Parfait Kasongo
Communication & Learning Coordinator
In a 2017-19 research study by Twende Mbele to assess the state of M&E culture in five participating countries which included, Benin,...
Second annual gLocal Evaluation Week – 2020
With the ten-year countdown to the Sustainable Development Goals underway, Systems to evaluate the impact of policies and monitor their progress are more important than ever. To sustain the momentum of global efforts to promote monitoring and evaluation capacity the...