DPME Evaluation Design Clinic – 6, 7 September 2022
As part of the National Evaluation System (NES), a system of Evaluation Design Clinic is used to facilitate stakeholder participation in the conceptualisation and design of the evaluations prioritised in the National Evaluation Plan (NEP). The last Design Clinic was held in...
Are Rapid Evaluations Helping African Governments Generate Quality Evidence Faster?
Parfait Kasongo
Communications and Learning Coordinator
Cara Waller
Former Twende Mbele programme manager
In 2019 Twende Mbele...
Call For Proposal for a literature review
Call For Proposal For a Literature ReviewThe purpose of this TOR is to invite proposals for a literature review focusing on providing options for practical tools used to strengthen government budgeting systems by improving the use of evidence (with particular focus on...
Atelier De Validation Du Rapport De l’Etude Diagnostic Sur La Collaboration Entre Le Gouvernment Et La Societe Civile
Atelier De Validation Du Rapport De l’Etude Diagnostic Sur La Collaboration Entre Le Gouvernment Et La Societe CivileINFOSEC, COTONOU LE 17 AOUT 2021 Présentation du rapport provisoire de l’étude diagnostique sur la collaboration entre le Gouvernement et la Société Civile en...
New Twende Mbele Co-Chairs
Meet Our New Co-Chairs Aloyce Ratemo is the Director in the National Treasury and Planning currently heading the Monitoring and Evaluation Directorate within the...