DPME’s Design clinic confirms the importance of participation
By Caitlin Blaser Mapitsa
Senior Lecturer & Design Clinic Facilitator
DPME’s Design clinic confirms the importance of participationThe Department of Planning, Monitoring, and Evaluation (DPME)...
SAMEA Conference 2022 Multipaper Session
By Parfait Kasongo
Communication & Learning Coordinator
On the Thursday 22 September 2022, Twende Mbele hosted a multi-paper session at the SAMEA Biannual Conference titled,‘Can Horizontal...
SAMEA Conference 2022 Panel Discussion
By Parfait Kasongo
Communication & Learning Coordinator
On Thursday the 22 September, Twende Mbele hosted a panel discussion title,‘Using experience to adapt a guideline on Rapid Evaluations...
DPME Evaluation Design Clinic – 6, 7 September 2022
As part of the National Evaluation System (NES), a system of Evaluation Design Clinic is used to facilitate stakeholder participation in the conceptualisation and design of the evaluations prioritised in the National Evaluation Plan (NEP). The last Design Clinic was held in...
Formation sur l’évaluation rapide pour les organisations de la société civile, ministère de l’éducation et ministère du développement – 7 et 8 juillet 2022
Les 7 et 8 juillet 2022Le Bénin a accueilli une formation sur l’évaluation rapide pour les organisations de la société civile, le ministère de l’éducation et le ministère du développement.