Twende Mbele Capacity Building Workshop – Johannesburg, 2024
Twende Mbele Capacity Building Workshop – Johannesburg, July 2024The purpose of the 3-day capacity building workshop was to build and augment existing M&E capacities among public officials of the Twende Mbele member governments: Benin, Ghana, Kenya, Niger, South...
Atelier de renforcement des capacités au Niger
Atelier de renforcement des capacités au Niger -Dosso, Juillet 2024Le Niger, comme de nombreux pays et organisations, accorde une grande importance au développement de la pratique de l’évaluation des actions de développement et des politiques publiques. C’est dans...
Call for Proposal – Consultant Needed for Review of NEPF
Consultant NeededTo conduct a review to understand whether the 2019 National Evaluation Policy Framework (NEPF) is relevant, effective and promotes credible as well as quality evaluations aligned to government goal of assessing performance of programmes, plans and projects....
Monitoring Systems in Africa Book Launch
Monitoring Systems in Africa Book LaunchJoin us for a virtual launch of the ‘Monitoring Systems in Africa’ book, edited by Caitlin Blaser Mapitsa and Catherine Churchill.This volume of the book presents a holistic approach to monitoring systems. This includes a...
Ghana Peer-2-Peer Study Tour To South Africa 2024
Ghana Peer-2-Peer Study Tour To South AfricaOn the 19-23 February Twende Mbele convened the Ghana Peer-2-Peer Study Tour To South Africa which took delegates from Ghana to 5 different cities – Johannesburg, Pretoria, Pietermaritzburg, Durban and Cape Town.The study...