Looking for a Communications and Media Consultant
Twende Mbele is searching for a Communications and Media Consultant to provide communications support to Twende Mbele core countries (Benin, Uganda, South Africa) to help them build a foundation for effectively communicating on M&E at the national level.
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Looking for a Knowledge Management Consultant
Twende Mbele is searching for a Knowledge Management (KM) Consultant to, firstly support the Programme Secretariat in establishing a foundation for knowledge management on M&E topics and experience sharing within the initiative and beyond. Secondly, to compile the...
News from our collaborating partner country-Ghana
By Dr Nana Opare-Djan
Over the past year the M&E landscape in Ghana has seen tremendous measures towards institutionalising development evaluation in the entire public sector. Contributions from several stakeholders at different fora, held across...
Etude Diagnostique D’evaluation Des Performances De Gestion Du Service Public Au Benin
By Prosper Houssou
Depuis les années 1999, le Bénin est passé de la gestion axée sur les moyens à la gestion axée sur les résultats. Cependant, après près de vingt ans d’expérience le système de gestion du service public au Bénin reste perfectible. Dans ce contexte et au...
Diagnostic Study On Demand And Supply Of Evaluators In Uganda Validation Workshop
By Doris Kembabazi
Uganda, as with many African countries, exhibits a need to expand its existing pool of evaluators to ensure supply matches local demand and enable emerging evaluators to enter the market with fewer restrictions. This has been the focus of a recent Twende...