On Thursday the 22 September, Twende Mbele hosted a panel discussion title,‘Using experience to adapt a guideline on Rapid Evaluations in the public sector’ at the SAMEA Biannual Conference.
The purpose of this session was to update the existing Twende Mbele Rapid Evaluation Guideline from the lessons learned in the adaption and piloting of rapid evaluations in the partner countries. This session facilitated by Mine Pabari, included presentations by the Chief Director of the DPME, Ms Thokozile Molaiwa who spoke to the lessons emerging from South Africa, and Dr Ayabulela Dlakavu who presented on the lessons emerging from three partner countries.
For a quick read on the findings, click the links below for the respective presentations:
Mrs Thokozile Molaiwa: https://bit.ly/3ruXXXR
Dr Ayabulela Dlakavu: https://bit.ly3STw9YY