June 24, 2020by Admin
Ghanaian Draft National Monitoring and Evaluation Policy
February 2019
This policy is dedicated to setting out M&E as a national requirement for all development programmes, projects and public investments, emphasizing it as mandatory for ascertaining good governance and value for money. Apart from bringing Ghanaian practice up to date, it serves to encode, draw from international best practices and establish a unique framework to guide the practice of M&E in the country, at both national and local levels of governance.
Report Name
Ghanaian Draft National Monitoring and Evaluation Policy
Ministry of Monitoring and evaluations
June 24, 2020by Admin
Zimbabwean National Monitoring and Evaluation Policy
National Monitoring And Evaluation Policy Final Corrected Zimbabwe
The National Monitoring and Evaluation Policy was developed to enhance the implementation of Zim Asset by providing clear guidelines for the conduct of monitoring and evaluation of all Government programmes and projects. The Policy is a product of a highly participatory and inclusive process involving stakeholders with in-depth knowledge in monitoring and evaluation of developmental programmes.
Report Name
Zimbabwean National Monitoring and Evaluation Policy
Our Role
Monitoring and Evaluation
June 24, 2020by Admin
Niger national evaluation policy
Finale Report
French Version:
National evaluation – FR
To truly “build a well-governed country”, as indicated in the Sustainable Development and Inclusive Growth Strategy (SDDCI) Niger 2035 and its first five-year version, which is the Economic and Social Development Plan (PDES 2017-2021), Niger must have reference frameworks which will ensure regular measurement of the performance of the implementation of development policies, strategies, programs and projects. This constitutes a major challenge for the country, especially in the context of implementing the program approach, according to the principle of Results-Based Management.
Report Name
Niger national evaluation policy
Partner Name
Our Role
Monitoring and Evaluation
June 24, 2020by Admin
Scoping Visit to Ghana
June 2017
A Twende Mbele delegation undertook a scoping visit to Ghana. The purpose of the visit was to determine how best Twende Mbele could partner with Ghana on M&E, based on their M&E capacity. Over two days, the delegation met with key M&E drivers in the public sector to gauge the level of priority given to M&E in Ghana. Two issues pose a great challenge to the strengthening of the M&E system in Ghana, firstly is the absence of a national evaluation policy and secondly is the lack of capacity around M&E. The changes in governments and realignment of priorities is to blame for the its absence. And, the lack of capacity is a pressing issue as it has a direct impact on the day to day work of M&E duties. And this is where Twende Mbele would like to partner with Ghana, in the strengthening of capacity around evaluations. Ghana has, however, taken it upon itself to strengthen its M&E capacity through the establishment of two new ministries: The Ministry of Planning, and the Ministry of Monitoring and Evaluation.
Report Name
Scoping Visit to Ghana
Ministry of Monitoring and Evaluation
Ian Goldman & Rendani Manugu
June 24, 2020by Admin
Scoping Visit to Kenya
Kenya Report
A Twende Mbele Team, comprising of the Acting Commissioner of Monitoring and Evaluation- Uganda’s Office of the Prime Minister, the Uganda Programme Coordinator for Twende Mbele and The Deputy Director General for Research and Evaluation of South Africa’s Department of Planning, Monitoring and Evaluation (DPME), met with key officials from the Kenyan Government, members of Evaluation Society of Kenya and representatives of other key non state actors. In Kenya, the core work for monitoring and evaluation is delivered using the National Monitoring and Evaluation System (NIMES) coordinated by the Monitoring and Evaluation Directorate (MED) domiciled in the Ministry of Devolution and Planning. Key gaps were noted in the M&E policy and It is therefore important that M&E systems and practices in Kenya be strengthened through the Twende Mbele programme by peer learning across the continent.
Report Name
Scoping Visit to Kenya
Our Role
Monitoring and Evaluation