Tanzania MEL Week 2023
TANZANIA MEL WEEK 2023The Office of the Prime Minister (PMO) of Tanzania in partnership with Tanzania Evaluation Association (TanEA) is organized the 2nd Monitoring and Evaluation and Learning (MEL) Week Conference from 12th – 15th September, 2023 in Arusha, Tanzania....
Journées Béninoises de l’Évaluation 2023
Journées Béninoises de l’Évaluation 2023La Direction Generale d’Evaluation et de l’Observatoire du Changement Social (DGEOCS) a organisé la sixième édition des Journées béninoises de l’évaluation sur le thème, le numerique au service du renforcement...
EVIDENCE CONFERENCE 2023The EVIDENCE biennial event began in 2014 with the intention of bringing together members of the AEN to explore how to enhance the overlaps in their work to support evidence-informed decision-making (EIDM) in Africa. This year’s event aimed to...
Validation of the Diagnostic Report on the State of M&E Evidence Use in the Ugandan Public Sector Planning and Budgeting
Validation of the Diagnostic ReportTwende Mbele and the Government of Uganda are validated the diagnostic report on state of M&E evidence-use in public sector planning and budgeting. Accompanying the Report are Guidelines mapping pathways for facilitating greater M&E...
Atelier de renforcement des capacités au Bénin
Atelier sur le renforcement des capacitésAtelier de renforcement des capacités de cinq jours sur l’évaluation des politiques publiques au Bénin. Les participants sont formés à l’évaluation des politiques publiques.