New Twende Mbele Co-Chairs

Meet Our New Co-Chairs
Aloyce Ratemo is the Director in the National Treasury and Planning currently heading the Monitoring and Evaluation Directorate within the ministry.

Timothy Lubanga is the Comissioner for Monitoring and Evaluation of Central Government in the Office of the Prime Minister of Uganda, under the Directorate for Monitoring and Evaluation.
Call For Proposal: Review Of Three Evaluation Courses

Call For Proposal For The Review Of Three Evaluation Courses
1.Managing and Commissioning Evaluations
2. Deepening Evaluations
3. Selecting Appropriate Evaluation Methodologies
Application Deadline: 20 August 2021
Location: South Africa
Use the link below for the full terms of reference:
Send applications to [email protected]
Call for Proposals: Development of a DPME Guideline on Ethical Conduct of Evaluation

Call for Proposals
A consultant needed to work with DPME to develop a set of Guidelines for the Conduct of Evaluations in the public sector and be relevant and appropriate to all spheres of government. These should be developed based on international best practice, taking into account relevant local guidelines, and the views of government stakeholders.
Application Deadline: 12 August 2021
Location: South Africa
Use the link below for the full terms of reference:
Send applications to [email protected]
Rapid Evaluation Validation Workshop
Rapid Evaluation Validation Workshop
From July 28 to 29, the Department of Planning, Monitoring and Evaluation (DPME) in South Africa will be having a Rapid Evaluation Validation Workshop to get feedback and advice from practitioners in the field, from their various perspectives, and are part of the quality assurance strategy of the rapid evaluations approach.