The African Evidence Network (AEN) recently published a short article on the work of Twende Mbele, with a specific focus on our peer-learning model and our work at the AfrEA conference in Kampala, Uganda earlier this year.
“There was a widespread recognition of the value of peer learning to ensure the SDGs reflect an African context, and that the tools for measuring context are appropriate. There was also a call for a strengthening of multi-stakeholder approaches, and stronger collaboration to ensure that supply and demand for evaluation in the region are better matched.“
“Monitoring and evaluation practitioners across the region are struggling with the fact that the tools, systems, and approaches to monitoring and evaluation have largely been created in a very different context of management and governance. Decades of implementation have demonstrated that they are not always appropriate to an African context. However, huge strides have been taken in the last decade to build regionally effective approaches. Peer learning, collaboration, and network development is offering a way of expanding appropriate tools and methods in the region, and making sure that good practices are captured by the growing systems in the region…“
Read more about Twende’s work on the AEN here.