DPME National Consultative Workshop
September 2019
Strategic Context for Rapid Evaluations
2019 – 2024 MTSF
combines NDP Five-Year Implementation Plan with revamped Integrated
Monitoring System and accountability framework;
- National Spatial Development Framework and monitored – Implementation
Delivery Model at District Municipal level - public trust and confidence in local government to increase from 46% to
80% by 2024
Implementation model (Sukuma Sakhe): national & provincial SPs, APPs,
Integrated Planning Framework Bill, to ensure better integration across
all levels of Government. Project Monitoring at District Municipalities
Public- Private- Growth Initiative (PPGI) to promote economic growth
and create jobs
Bridge gap between government and people – Izimbizo Programmes
(linked to Performance Agreements for Ministers), etc.
Equity-focused, gender-responsive evidence: a blind spot in VNR reporting
February 2019
In terms of living no one behind, localization of SDGs is part of the Uganda SDG roadmap and Office of the Prime Minister through the coordination M&E framework is working closely with local governments to make SDGs known to all citizens in the simplest way. Uganda through the National Standard Indicators framework reviews KPIs to ensure capturing of gender disaggregated data. The 2018/19 Government Performance Assessment captured aspects of progress of some SDG indicators across sectors including those social development. This is in addition, several intervention benefiting the vulnerable.
National Monitoring And Evaluation System And Provision Of Evidence For SDGs Acceleration In The Public Sector: Experience From Uganda
2nd – 4th October 2019
South African National Evaluation Plan
Policy Report
The current NEP covers a total of 30 evaluations planned for the next five financial years (2020-2025). The scope of the present plan, unlike previous versions, extends to Municipalities and State Owned Enterprises (SOEs). Our evaluation focus areas therefore, includes a District-based Service Delivery Model “Khawuleza Model”, evaluations of the Municipal Finance Management System (MFMS) and cooperate governance in SOEs, will be respectively conducted for the first time in an NEP.
The 2020-2025 NEP also includes the implementation of our latest portfolio of evaluation approaches, namely: rapid evaluations, sectoral reviews and a gender focussed evaluation. Furthermore, the strategic identification of evaluations necessitates that the selection be aligned to the seven priorities of government as well as key strategic frameworks and plans such as the Medium-Term Strategic Framework (MTSF) and the 2030 National Development Plan (NDP), thereby ensuring synergy between government planning and processes of evaluation.
Nigeria National evaluation Policy
Policy Report
The National Evaluation Policy is intended to form part of Nigeria’s National Monitoring and Evaluation Policy Framework. A policy framework is a set of complementary yet distinct policies that are related to a common overall public policy goal. At present, it is envisaged that the National M&E Policy Framework for Nigeria will be constituted by a monitoring policy and by an evaluation policy. The framework allows for the addition and updating of policies as government sees fit.
A policy is intended generally to make explicit the government’s position on a matter it considers of importance to the public interest and to citizens, to explain why and to provide guidance on policy implementation. When a policy is part of a policy framework, it strives for coherence with other policies, actual or intended, that form part, or may form part, of the framework. This NEP was developed with due consideration for the development of a National Monitoring Policy that would form part of the National M&E Policy Framework.