A number of evaluation recommendations in government are not fully implemented due to a host of constraints, and thus the opportunity for learning and improvement are lost. These relate to time-constraints (delays in completing evaluations), financial challenges (evaluations are costly) and the lack of human capacity (general lack of experienced evaluators in the country). Additionally, challenges in programme/policy implementation and monitoring, country governments continuously faces emergencies requiring timeous and informed intervention strategies
To this end Twende Mbele and the Department of Planning, Monitoring and Evaluation (DPME) in South Africa are looking for a consultant/s to work with DPME to explore current practice in rapid evaluation tools for the public sector.
The following are expected outcomes from the project:
- A desk-top comparative analysis which explores existing rapid evaluation tools in sectors and compares them to enable judgement on which would be most ammenable to the South African Public Service.
- Two rapid evaluation tools, including relevant templates and guidelines for the application of the rapid evaluation approach for piloting by DPME.
Please read the full terms of reference here.
Applications close on Friday December 7th 2018.