Rapid Evaluation of the Implementation of Free Healthcare for Women of Childbearing Age and Children Aged 0-5 in the Maradi Region
December 2022
The aim of this evaluation is to report on how beneficiaries and stakeholders assess the implementation of the free healthcare policy. This will enable us to determine the extent to which the policy of free health care has achieved its primary objectives of:
(1) improve access to healthcare;
(2) reduce child mortality;
(3) strengthen partners to provide quality health services;
(4) improve the efficiency and effectiveness of free health care delivery approaches;
(5) identify operational policy obstacles and new/revised policies adopted and implemented;
(6) support local stakeholders, civil society, service providers and local authorities in promoting the policy of free health care
(7) document and disseminate lessons learned from adaptation and implementation processes and experiences; and
(8) identify and coordinate the needs of partners and national drug management committees. This evaluation, conducted by the Government of Niger, complements studies already carried out on free health care with the support of other partners.