National methodological evaluation guide
French Report
The Government of the Republic of Benin has made evaluation a national priority since 2007. The ambition displayed by the authorities at the highest level is to precede any public action, with a rigorous evaluation. As such, the Government intends to develop all the tools necessary for the conduct of quality assessments. After the development and adoption in 2012 of the National Evaluation Policy (PNE), the second major act in the implementation of evaluation programming and management tools is the national methodological evaluation guide. This guide therefore aims to ensure maximum homogeneity and standardization in the conduct and use of evaluation results. Among other things, it clarifies:
- the methodology for developing the Terms of Reference (TOR) for the assessments;
- the approach and methodological approach to be used to conduct each type of evaluation;
- the criteria to be used to conduct the assessments in accordance with norms and standards;
- the standard structures for project / program / policy evaluation reports;
- the different types of assessment to be conducted;
- the profile of actors qualified to conduct the assessments;
- the standard frameworks for assessing the quality of evaluations.
The National Evaluation Policy landscape in Africa: A comparison
The NEP landscape in Africa
The demand for National Evaluation Policies (NEPs) has gained traction in Africa as more countries acknowledge the value of evaluation in enhancing efficiency, effectiveness, and equity in public and development management. As these countries implement developmental programmes and projects they require appropriate and effective monitoring and evaluation systems to measure performance, assess impact and draw lessons for future programmes and projects. Similarly, the Sustainable Development Goals call for country-led systems to measure effectiveness, efficiency, relevance, sustainability, and the impact of development interventions.
African MPs, researchers call for enhanced evidence-use in parliaments
February 2019
National evaluation policy: Benin
TM Learning Event Accra Ghana
Diagnostic of the gender responsiveness of national monitoring and evaluation system: Benin, Uganda & South Africa
Synthesis Report Diagnostic of Gender Responsivness NES
Teams of national experts were commissioned in Benin, Uganda and South Africa to carry out a country diagnostic of the gender responsiveness of National Monitoring and evaluation system which aims to:
(i) Use the AGDEN gender diagnostic tool to review National Monitoring and Evaluation System (NMES) including : a) the National M&E policy, b) institutional arrangements and capacities, and c) processes and procedures;
(ii)Identify potential barriers and enablers to having a well-functioning gender responsive M&E system at the country level
(iii)Identifying and developing concrete strategies (or recommendations) to strengthen the gender responsiveness of country’s Monitoring and Evaluation system.