National evaluation policy: Benin
TM Learning Event Accra Ghana
French Version:
Politique nationale d’évaluation
In June 2007, the President of Benin, in an effort to make the Government’s interventions effective to the benefit of the population, awarded the public action evaluation mission to the Ministry of Forecasting, Development and Evaluation. of Public Action (MPDEAP), which became the Ministry of Forecasting, Development, Evaluation of Public Policies and Coordination of Government Action (MPDEPP-CAG) in June 2009. While the MPDEPP- CAG has become the Ministry of Development, Economic Analysis and Prospective (MDAEP), the evaluation of public policies is now the remit of the Primature (Prime Minister’s office). Development of evaluative practice in Benin has been recognized as a necessity by all stakeholders in the development process, the Government intends to develop in coherence with the continuation of the reform of results-based management, a genuine national system of development, evaluation that will help improve public action and strengthen the evaluation culture within the Public Administration. The present national evaluation policy constitutes a unifying tool for the realization of this ambition.
Report Name
National evaluation policy: Benin
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Monitoring and Evaluation