Diagnostic study on the gender-responsiveness of the national evaluation system: South Africa
This assessment aims to describe the level of gender-responsiveness in key policies and processes, as well as understand the extent to which there is gender disaggregation in the data that is collected to monitor and evaluate progress through the 14 Outcomes of the Medium Term Strategic Framework (MTSF), and, in a number of cases, these relate to the Annual Performance Planning (APP) processes. It is intended that this will also aid the identification of opportunities within existing processes within GWM&E to mainstream gender. The specific objectives were:
- Review the extent to which the GWM&E system is being implemented in a manner that is gender responsive.
- Examine the data being collected against the indicators within the 14 outcomes of the Medium Term Strategic Framework and conduct an analysis of the extent to which these are gender responsive and disaggregated in terms of gender.
- Offer insights on gender in the National Evaluation System.
- Provide three case studies which present some of the ways in which these sectors include gender in planning, accountability and M&E, including relevant indicators and data sources outside of the MTSF.
- Connect with Department of Women liaison, as well as other key role players, to establish gaps in gender in GWM&E and opportunities to enhance gender-responsiveness and disaggregation, with particular reference to engagement in the workshop.
Report Name
Diagnostic study on the gender-responsiveness of the national evaluation system: South Africa
Our Role
Monitoring and Evaluation