CSO’s and the State Engagement workshop – Summary Report
April 2019
Overview of findings from the Accra Workshop, 30th April, 2019
The current sanitation sector in Ghana is the main responsibility of District Assemblies in terms of service delivery, yet it is a sector that cuts across several ministries such as the Ministry of Education, Ministry of Health, Ministry of Water, Ministry of Local Government and Rural Development and the Ministry of Sanitation and Water Resources. Despite the raised profile of sanitation since the current President came to power, it remains a largely unfunded mandate of District Assemblies.
Sanitation is a broad concept encompassing several services of which solid waste management tends to take the limelight in attention and budget because of its visibility, ie: mountains of litter on side-walks invites rats and mice and becomes a source of easily transmittable diseases.
The Liquid Waste division of EHSD indicated that the Ministry has two main systems for monitoring sanitation.