Knowledge Sharing
Our Activities
Complementing countries’ current operations to improve monitoring and evaluation.
Our Publications
We must prioritise education to promote learning opportunities and achieve success.
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Elevate government performance and ensure unwavering accountability to citizens.
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About US

Going Forward Together.

An innovative way to produce results
At the heart of Twende Mbele is a desire to move beyond a network of people just sharing experience, toward a partnership where countries collaborate on developing and implementing M&E systems that improve government performance and impact on citizens.
Our Vision
Twende Mbele’s vision is to improve the performance and accountability of African governments to citizens. To do this we have partnered with different African countries' government, civil society, academia and international development partners.
Our Mission
Facilitate projects and activities geared toward the improvement of monitoring and evaluation (M&E) systems such as practices, policies, tools and procedures, based on shared experience in partner countries, and more widely.
Our Pillars of Action
Fueling the M&E Movement

Spreading the M&E Word

Cultivating M&E Mastery

Developing M&E Tools Together

Some of our latest videos
Key focus areas of activities

Demand & Supply
Improving the evaluation ecosystem for commissioners and practitioners of evaluation.

Civil Society
Enhancing collaboration to strengthen implementation and use of government M&E systems.

Latest Twende Mbele News

Sharing and Learning
“Twende Mbele is strategically important for Africa as it is a catalyst of knowledge sharing and ideas sourcing amongst member countries”
Kwabena Agyei Boakye
Former Twende Mbele Chair
“Twende Mbele est une coopération sud-sud pour la promotion de l'évaluation et l'utilisation des résultats de l'évaluation pour
améliorer les décisions du gouvernement.”
Abdulaye Gounou
Twende Mbele Chair
“Twende Mbele has enhanced our abilities by enabling us to benefit from the experiences of other the other member countries, in our efforts to develop a robust national M&E system.”
Timothy Lubanga
Twende Mbele Chair

Our Funders
Partners that keep us moving forward